Wednesday, 24 February 2016

P is for Purpose!

Having a clear sense of purpose adds to our feeling of wellbeing and fulfillment.

Feeling purposeless can weigh very heavily on our mental health and sense of worth, but when we feel that we have something to give to others, we are more engaged with the world outside ourselves and find it a little easier to navigate our way through life, as we have a direction to follow.

Our feeling of purpose is most clear when we have goals that improve the lives of others, rather than ourselves. When our purpose is about self promotion, we might have a clear personal goal of fame and fortune, but this goal doesn't feed our desires. Instead, the more we get, the more we want, and we never feel satisfied.

Purpose doesn't mean going out and trying to save the world (unless you want to!) 

Purpose doesn't have to mean something spiritual or philosophical, it can just mean doing something that isn't self serving, and that can help someone other than ourselves. 

Being an active citizen in your community, being supportive to your friends and family, being good at your job, starting a business, creating art or music, helping those less fortunate; these are all purposes. If we feel that we have something to contribute to the wider world, even in just a small way, it will make us feel good. 

Exercises and activities to try:

Signature strengths: Our purpose is driven by our signature strengths; the things that we excel at. If we are good at creating music, we can record and release the music online for others to enjoy. If we are a good listener, we can offer to listen to someone who is going through personal problems, 

Have a go at this questionnaire to find your strengths  and have a think about how you can use them to find your purpose!

Life triangle: This is an exercise to help you find your purpose by establishing life goals in a simple way. You will need 15 post it notes and a wall. Take the first 5 notes and write down 1 strength or asset that you currently have on each. Then stick them all in a row on the wall. This is the bottom line of your triangle. 

Next, write down 4 goals that you would like to achieve in 6 months time. Use your strengths and assets to help you think of these goals. Stick these in a row above your first 5 notes. Then for the next row, think of 3 goals you would like to achieve in a year's time. then 2 goals on the next 2 for 2 to 3 years time, and finally the last 1, which is 1 goal for the next 5 years. 

This is a really simple but effective way to help us think a little clearer about the future and our purpose, and how to build on the strengths that we currently have rather than focusing on the weaknesses. 

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